UWDA Endorses Candidates in the 2018 Midterms Race

Media Contacts

Adam Luna | adam@unitedwedream.org | 202-796-9372

United We Dream Action’s (UWDA) main goal is to build political power for immigrants and people of color so we can change the face of politics in this country, and with that goal in mind, we are endorsing candidates that share the same values and our vision for the future: a future where all of us can live without fear and thrive.

UWDA’s Member-Led Endorsement Process:

The UWDA endorsement process is lead by local UWDA members, who are actively building grassroots power in their localities.

To be part of the local endorsement committee, members must be constituents of the state and/or district of each race and be directly impacted by the policies of the elected officials who will be in power.

The endorsement process happens the following way:

  • UWDA sent questionnaires to candidates.
  • Local UWDA members review the responses once the candidates return the questionnaires.
  • Local UWD members schedule interviews with the candidate to ask additional questions.
  • The members then vote to either approve or decline to endorse.
  • Candidates that reach 51% of the members support are considered endorsed.

Once we’ve endorsed a candidate, United We Dream Action will put a spotlight on the candidates that are committed to improving the lives of immigrant youth and people of color. We will continue to show the American people the consequences of Trump and Republicans’ policies, and show them what a champion of our communities looks like.

Texas Here To Stay Endorsement Committee

New Mexico Here To Stay Endorsement Committee


United We Dream Action is the leading national network fighting for dignity and justice led by immigrant youth and allies. We are a dynamic community of thousands of immigrant youth nationwide who build independent political power for those directly impacted by injustice. We organize and take action to win victories so that all people can be safe and thrive.