Washington, D.C. – Today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled to let the Trump administration deny asylum claims at the southern border, which will disproportionately affect Black and brown immigrants from Central America. In July, Trump announced a rule change that would require people to apply for asylum in a third country instead of making their way directly to the United States. The court said the administration may enforce new rules that deny asylum applications from people who had traveled through another country on their way to the U.S.
Adrian Reyna, Strategy Director of United We Dream, said:
“The Supreme Court is doing the work for Donald Trump to fulfill his white nationalist agenda of a country with fewer immigrants and refugees. Allowing the administration to continue denying asylum cases puts thousands of Black and brown people from Central America at risk.
Trump wants to make it harder and harder for people to come to the U.S., and harder for immigrants living in the U.S. already. He did this when he ended DACA on September 5th, 2017. He is doing this by keeping immigrants indefinitely in concentration camps. With the courts doing his dirty work, all of us who want justice must rise up and protect every single immigrant in this country!
The Presidential candidates will be debating in Houston tomorrow, and we call on them to break away from the politics of deportation and incarceration, and commit to pave a new path forward for the country, where immigrants and people seeking asylum are welcomed and given the opportunity to thrive. We call on all presidential candidates to adopt our Free to Move, Free To Stay platform.”