New Video Game ‘GOTV’ Ad Targets Young Latino Men Ahead of Midterm Elections

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Washington, D.C. – A new video game ad released by United We Dream Action encourages young Latino men to vote ahead of the midterm elections. The ad comes from research conducted specifically on young Latinos and gamers. The ad will run on YouTube from now until election day to men 18-35 in zip codes over 70% Latino/Hispanic using 2020 Census data. 

Earlier this year United We Dream Action released research in collaboration with Harmony Labs on Latinx’s Media Consumption and Encounters with Immigration. One of the key findings from this research was that young Latino Males aged 18-35 are spending a huge portion of their time online engaging in gaming. From there, José Alonso Muñoz, UWDA’s Deputy Communications Director, conducted research on the question “How do gamers perceive and make judgements around belonging and community?” This research resulted in significant findings that were used in the development of this gamer ad. 

José Alonso Muñoz, Deputy Communications Director of United We Dream Action, said:

“United We Dream Action is always looking at unique and innovative ways to reach out to young and Latino voters – who are often overlooked by standard voter engagement tactics. Through our research we found that gamers want to celebrate doing hard things with their friends. Quite simply, gamers are always up for the challenge. 

I was inspired by my younger brothers who enjoy spending time online playing video games; two of whom are U.S. citizens and freshly voting age to do this research. I spent a significant amount doing language analysis on platforms used by gamers like Twitch, Discord, Stream and YouTube. In addition I analyzed video game websites and did a series of interviews with gamers all to understand how they interact with video games, how they interact with others who play video games, and how people who create and market these games communicate with players. We’re excited to see this ad come to life using this research. To successfully energize and mobilize more people to be voters we need creative solutions that meet people where they spend time, and it’s vital that more resources are invested taking on these unique approaches to voter engagement for young Latinos.” 


United We Dream Action is the leading national network fighting for dignity and justice led by immigrant youth and allies. We are a dynamic community of thousands of immigrant youth nationwide who build independent political power for those directly impacted by injustice. We organize and take action to win victories so that all people can be safe and thrive.