To Defeat Fascism and Political Violence, We Must Be Committed to Each Other and Leave No One Behind

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Washington DC– In response to the news of a shooting at Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend, United We Dream Action released the following statement:

“Violence will never result in safety for all of us nor everlasting peace. The antidote to the rise in hate, chaos and violence is our ability to lead with disciplined and hopeful organizing, to bring people in during moments of darkness. 

Every day, our communities continue to grapple with the growing threats of fascism through violent plans like Project 2025 and the deadly disinformation the MAGA movement has stoked against our people. This past weekend’s shooting was a terrifying reminder of this deadly threat, and must be condemned. 

We must be grounded in an unbreakable commitment to defeat the lies, ideas and plans of Project 2025 and fascism as a whole. We will continue to do that through nonviolent action, organizing, and non-oppressive practices. The future we want – one where each of us is safe, in the places we call home and with our loved ones – can only be achieved when the actions we take –in our homes, schools, community centers and to the ballot box – are done so with a sense of care for everyone in our communities in mind.”


United We Dream Action is the leading national network fighting for dignity and justice led by immigrant youth and allies. We are a dynamic community of thousands of immigrant youth nationwide who build independent political power for those directly impacted by injustice. We organize and take action to win victories so that all people can be safe and thrive.